Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

Primary Research

Umbrella Info assist scholars in the execution of primary research by developing a quantitative or qualitative methodology, collecting primary data and conducting an analysis of the findings.

Business Plans

In many business degrees a business plan is often required as a final project. The development of business plan is a highly complex task as it requires significant understanding of the practical business context. Our mentors are not only academically qualified but they have extensive professional experience in a range of business aspecst. We are very condent in the contribution which we can make to your Business plan.

Case studies

Although a Case study focuses on a narrow set of variables, within a researched context, the analysis still needs to be constructed by a diverse range of comprehensive academic themes. Our mentors come from a diverse range of business backgrounds; they have solid expertise in analyzing business cases and providing actionable recommendation which contain real business insight. We are confident in the positive impact which we can make to your case study project.

Primary & Secondary Research
Interviews, Surveys, Market Sizing Analysis , Report assessments 100%
Statistical Analysis
SPSS and R 100%
Case Study Approach
Intensive Case study Analysis 100%
Business Plans
Pitch Deck, Business Model Assessment, Feasibility Analysis 100%